Thursday, 25 June 2009

For the Love of Cow

Chesapeake, Va- "EAT MOR CHIKIN" is a slogan tens of millions of Americans have come to know at local Chick-fil-A's across the nation. The successful advertising campaign has spawned off stuffed cow toys, calendars, mugs, and T-shirts that feature cows sending messages to possible customers to ignore beef and eat more chicken.

Now somebody in Virginia has stolen the chicken mascot from a large 50-foot high billboard along Interstate 464 in Chesapeake.

"It's kind of funny," says Mark Baldwin, a spokesman for Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A Inc. "But it's still a crime... it's the first time a cow has been stolen from Chesapeak and the surrounding area but at-least a dozen have gone missing across the country."

Authorities have been notified. The cows cost $3,200 which makes stealing them a felony. No word if any "fowl" play was involved.

1 comment:

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

Great photo! I couldn't understand how a cow could be a mascot for a chicken fast food chain until I saw the picture. HAHA! The cow does look like she needs liberating though.