Saturday, 5 April 2008

A Nescafe Morning

this is a truly a beautiful morning. A sweet soft spring breeze gently blows my curtains and I no longer smell that disgusting skunk/tuna casserole that had awakened me before dawn. For the past few weeks, not every day, but generally in the morning, it's been the same thing. I am yanked into consciousness by that awful stench. At first I thought it was my neighbor downstairs but soon became convinced that I was breathing something from within. Perhaps a sinus infection or morning breath. I always wondered why a person couldn't smell their own nastiness since the olfactory nerve is sitting right over the upper respiratory tract and allows us to experience odors from the outside coming in. Anyway I have been a bit disturbed over the whole idea, thinking that something was wrong with me...what is this stink, and how miserable it is to be awakened by the stench of tuna casserole. It was while I was lying in bed contemplating all of this, that I decided on a little OJ with that Tuna. I rolled out of bed and stood and moved over to the window to get some fresh air, clear out the offending odors. Lo and behold...if that stink wasn't on the wind. Sure enough, the smell my mind had been translating into Tuna casserole, was actually the scent of coffee beans roasting. Nescafe has a factory in Freehold, about 4 miles from me, and when the wind is right, or in this situation, wrong, it carries on it the sweet aroma of coffee brewing...a nice smell. Sometimes a bit skunky, which was how my predawn subconscious mind had been experiencing it. I read once that there are certain odors which the mind can not truly differentiate between, some of which could go either way. Certain cheeses for example. I'm am not taking this post down that way but just the same I was thrilled to be able to relabel that odor as coffee beans roasting.

Ah, a beautiful morning, the aroma of freshly ground coffee beans wafting through my windows on the breeze. Mmmmmmm..........

1 comment:

Angelissima said...

On a good day, we could smell Nescafe all the way down in Certaville!