Wednesday, 23 May 2007

billowy clouds

Billowy clouds float through sapphire skies
the warmth on my shoulders and sun in my eyes
trees loaded with green leaves that dance in the wind
well it's something I'd miss if I stayed in again~

and I
here and it's good
to be free and at home
in this weather~
and I
grass that is green
and fresh air that is
scented with heather.

Farewell to the winter, a happy goodbye
yearned for this springtime, and though still I cry
for a lonely time gone, but there's no way to know
so I kiss it to God and I live and let go~

and I
here and it's good
to be free and at home
in this weather~
and I
grass that is green
and fresh air that is
scented with heather.

(we come to a bridge)

Riding the roadside less traveled this time
quiet back roads are my fa-vorite kind
and they lead to the beaches, no dogs are allowed
and my troubles roll past on a billowy cloud~

and I
here and it's good
to be free and at home
in this weather~
and I
love grass that is green
and fresh air that is
scented with heather.


josie2shoes said...

Ahhh, it's nice to hear the spring in your life as well as the weather. Amazing what a beautiful day can do for our spirits!

Angelissima said...

ahhh its been a lovely week, hasn't it? We opened the pool!
Marisa is having a boy!!

Gina said...

Jo- yeah, spring is's good. Spring can work wonders for the soul. God's natural spa.

Ang~ Woooo hooo! A boy....2 older sisters and now a little guy. How cool. Wow! It is a great week and I shall be up soon to do a belly flop.....a boy...3 grandchildren!!!! cool!!!! You are so blessed.